Monday, August 3, 2009

Summer dayyyys...

On Saturday all my girls planned a river trip for my girl Jenny's birthday! We all headed out to the American river at about 11 on Saturday mornin, blew up a couple rafts and 10 of us cozied up with about 150 beers and set sail! It was a ton of fun! There were tons of people out there. Everybody rents a few rafts and ties them all together and floats down for a few hours. The water was a bit chilly so we weren't very excited when everyone else busted out their industrial home-made pipe water guns! Apparently it's the thing to do, just squirting and soaking innocent passerby-ers. We had a blast nonetheless. We went further down than most of the river-goers and ended up getting out down on Howe.
After a couple hours of rest and freshening up we rallied up for some dinner at Ernesto's downtown and ventured out to Devere's. Devere's was a fun spot, a cool pub atmosphere and it was pretty packed. After closin' the place down we were spent and ready for bed! But randomly, walkin home, we came across this cab pulling over that was jam packed full of people and a foot hanging out the window...who elses 4 inch heel is it than Becca Kenyon herself!!!! So as one can imagine, as we all recognized each other a lot of screaming commenced and we ended up hangin out with Becca and her friends for a bit. Overall it was a great day/night! :)